Sarah Keyworth launched their standup career with two thoughtful solo shows deconstructing gender and the meaning of “boy” and “girl”. Now they identify as “an…
Ay: Şubat 2024
A former deputy registrar of the University of Leicester is suing the makers of the 2022 film The Lost King, claiming it presented him as…
AKP’li yazar Sema Maraşlı kimi kastetti? Tesettürlü kadınları kucaklayıp öpen başkan adayına dikkat!
AKP’li yazar Sema Maraşlı, isim vermeden “bir belediye başkan adayını” hedef aldı. Maraşlı, “Dikkat Bu Bir Uyarıdır! Hanımlar, “Bir Belediye Başkan Adayına” denk gelirseniz lütfen dikkat edin!…
You don’t have to be a devotee of popular culture to have noticed the omnipresence of brand Barbie over the past year. The release of…
The MTV EMAs, one of the glitziest nights in the global pop music calendar, is to be held in Manchester for the first time. The…
It is an odd feeling having an unremitting barrage of childhood memories fired at you by a game cartridge no larger than a matchbox. That’s…
Downing Street has condemned a London theatre’s decision to stage two performances of a play about slavery for “all-black-identifying audiences”. Rishi Sunak’s official spokesperson said…
When it was unveiled in 2021, the Vienna State Opera’s production of Wagner’s final music drama seems to have provoked a mixed reaction. While there…
İstanbul asansörlü nakliyat, ev taşıma işlemlerinde oldukça önemli bir role sahiptir. Büyük ve ağır eşyaların kolayca taşınabilmesi için asansörlü nakliyat yöntemi oldukça etkili ve verimlidir.…
Ebru Gündeş ile dün yaevine giren iş insanı Murat Özdemir’in Temmuz 2023’te boşandığı Selin Kabaklı’nın “Ey Rabbim yol senin hiza senin, kul senin ceza senin”…